Open University Journey Share

Frequently Asked Questions

How does journey sharing work? top

Once you have completed the registration form, the details will be entered into the database. The Journey Share system will then produce a list of suitable sharers; people to pick up on the way or who live near you and who meet the criteria you have requested. From this list it is then up to *you* to contact each other and formulate a journey share agreement that is convenient to you all.

You do not have to over commit yourself at this stage. One option is to set a trial period and a date to review the feelings of all parties. This will enable you to stop sharing at this point if the arrangement doesn't suit any or some of the parties involved.

Why should I consider journey sharing? top

Below are some of the many reasons:

  • Reduce congestion and save valuable time at the beginning and end of the day
  • Reduce fuel costs and parking charges by sharing the day-to-day expenses
  • Reduce the mileage and everyday wear and tear on your vehicle
  • Reduce traffic pollution and help contain the increasing pressure on the local community and environment
  • Enjoy a more sociable and less stressful way of travelling

What about sharing costs? top

There are various ways in which this can be done. If you find a method which works particularly well for your group please email the Journey Share Administrator with details. Any other methods which are considered appropriate can then be added to the list of suggestions.

  • On a reciprocal basis, where you drive one week and the next week your journey share partner drives
  • If there is only one driver then he/she may charge their passengers for the journey: Journey Share currently recommends that 10-15p per mile is a fair contribution, plus splitting any parking fee equally, as long as you don't charge your passengers more than the running costs of the vehicle.

What about insurance? top

You must be fully insured and it is advisable to inform your insurance company that you are registered in a journey share scheme. This should not incur additional costs. Most insurance policies cover you to carry passengers on your journey to work, as long as you don't charge your passengers more than the running costs of the vehicle.

We offer a sample letter which you could use if you wish to contact your insurance company.

Do I have to share everyday? top

No, the registration form includes a section that enables you to choose the days that you want to share.

What if I journey share and have to leave work suddenly? top

If, for genuine unexpected reasons, you have to leave work suddenly, and are a passenger, please contact the Journey Share Administrator in the first instance to see if they can find anyone registered and going your way.

What happens if I am the driver and am sick? top

You must contact your journey share partner(s) as soon as possible so that they can make alternative arrangements. As a passenger it is also essential for you to let the driver know you are ill so that they know not to wait if you are not at your pick up point.

What happens if I find that journey sharing doesn't suit me? top

If you find that journey sharing does not suit you, you can stop at any time.

I work shifts. Can I still share? top

Yes, journey sharing is flexible. If you work irregular hours, we will put you in touch with employees who work similar hours to you.

I only have use of the car occasionally. Can I still share? top

Yes, the system will match you on appropriate days.

If you have any more comments or questions please email the Journey Share Administrator and we can include answers to any frequently asked questions for other users.

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