Open University Journey Share

What is Car Sharing?

Car Sharing or Car Pooling is when two or more people share a car and travel together rather than driving alone.

One of the people travelling is usually the owner of the vehicle and the other(s) usually make a contribution towards fuel costs.

More than 80% of people who commute to work by car do so on their own. Yet most live in the same towns and villages as many of their colleagues. With a little forethought all those journeys can be combined and sharing a journey with someone, even just once a week, could reduce commuting car journeys by 20%!

Not everyone has to own a car. In rural areas car owners can offer lifts to other members who perhaps don't have access to a car and where there is little public transport.

The benefits are numerous for yourself, your family, your community and the environment:

To find out if there are other members matching your requirements please become a member yourself by going to the "Register" page and completing just a few details, eg where and when you wish to travel

Save money. Save time. Save the planet. Register Now - it's FREE!

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